The first formal meeting since February 2020 went ahead as planned in August.
A different meeting, seats spaced out at 1.5m with face masks, but still a welcome chance to spend time with fellow photographers and guests.
The monthly competition with the topic "Low Angle or High Angle" was judged this month by Toby Whitelaw a local designer, craftsman and Photographer. Tony is a regular contributor to local media and has staged art and photographic exhibitions at galleries and events throughout the region. Many thanks to Toby for taking the time to prepare a well received video, critiquing our images.
The highlight of the evening was an exhibition by Rob Geraghty entitled "Wildlife Colours of Ecuador". A stunning display of the most colourful fauna and flora in the amazonian jungles, curated from Robs travels to South America, Galapagos and the Easter Islands.
The evening finished with a demonstration of Lightroom and Photoshop being applied to combine and process light painted images. This was to assist members who had participated in a Light Painting photo shoot at Bingie point earlier in the month.
Results of August competition. Topic Low/High Angle.
Colour Images Gold Award
Brian Gunter - Sky Cross
Phil Warburton - Square Head Rock Formation
Dave Kemp - Mighty Effort
Colour Image Silver Award
Robyn Isaccson - Birds Eye View
Sue Hartland - Great Number Plate
Merrick Bailey - I See Food
Daniel Bateman - New Life in the Canopy
Mono Images Gold Award
Yvonne Mathews - Popcorn Break
Anne Brown - Long Way Down
Mono Images Silver Award
Dave Kemp - fat Cat
Image of the Night
Yvonne Mathews - Popcorn Break
The next meeting will be 22nd September at Tomakin Community Hall. Because of the restriction of numbers on the premises, visitors can only be admitted by invitation if space is available.
Contact if you would like to join.