Eighteen cafes from Batemans Bay down to Tilba have so far signed on to the Green Caffeen swap-and-go coffee cup system ahead of its launch in Eurobodalla next week.
Green Caffeen helps people kick the single-use coffee cup habit once and for all by providing coffee brewers with re-useable takeaway cups that can be checked in and out by customers – much like a library book.
It’s free for businesses and they receive everything they need to help save the planet, one cup at a time.
Eurobodalla Council’s waste services is sponsoring the initiative in the shire in a bid to help divert disposable cups from landfill. It follows the program’s launch in the nearby Queanbeyan-Palerang and Snowy Valleys shires.
Council’s waste manager Nathan Ladmore said that despite a concerted effort from many in the community to bring their own, disposable coffee cups remained one of the most common items found in public garbage bins.
“Every year about 1 billion single-use cups are sent to Australian landfills and with Green Caffeen’s help we hope to change that,” he said.
“We love this program as it helps eliminate the ‘I forgot my cup’ excuse by providing customers with a reusable alternative.”
Mr Ladmore said there was still time for coffee proprietors to come on board ahead of the official launch on Wednesday 8 June, when Green Caffeen will shout customers who order their brew in a Green Caffeen cup at participating cafes.
He praised the 18 businesses who had signed on so far.
“Each business has the potential to save 10,400 cups from landfill, offset 416kg of carbon and save three trees worth of cardboard, which combined is quite a feat,” Mr Ladnmore said.
“Green Caffeen is good for each business’s bottom line too. With disposable cups costing about 30c a pop, it can save them about $3,120 a year.”
Eurobodalla’s participating Green Caffeen outlets are:
The Mossy Café,
The Boat Shed Café at Mossy Point,
Smokey Dans at Tomakin,
Gundary Bakers at Moruya,
Shelley’s Takeaway at Moruya,
Escape Place at Batemans Bay,
Ambers Café at Batemans Bay,
Salt at Narooma,
Bodalla Bakery,
Se7en Café at Batemans Bay,
Alfresco Coffee Roasters at Moruya and Batemans Bay,
Deli on Perry at Batemans Bay,
Pistachio at Narooma,
La Galette at Tilba Tilba,
Moruya Health Café,
Mossy on Gardens at the Botanic Garden and Mossy on Train at Broulee (opening soon).
For more information on the program – and to sign up – head to www.greencaffeen.com.au

Above: There’s still time for coffee proprietors to come on board the Green Caffeen swap-and-go cup system ahead of its launch on Wednesday 8 June, where Green Caffeen will shout free coffee at all participating cafes.