At next week's (Tuesday 22nd Nov 2022) Council meeting the first Annual Report for the current term of Councillors will be delivered with Mathew Hatcher, Mayor Eurobodalla Shire Council, saying: "We are proud to present this year’s Annual Report, the first for this Council Term, which outlines the work undertaken by current and former Councillors, and our staff. 2021-22 was a challenging year with COVID-19 restrictions ongoing, bushfire rebuild, and floods that continued to destroy our infrastructure.
However, due to the dedication of staff, Council was able to deliver on our targets as set out in the Operational Plan 2021-22.
In December 2021, Local Government elections were held, where a new Mayor and eight Councillors were elected. Both the current and former Council played an integral part in the delivery of this year’s achievements.
In January and February 2022, the newly elected Council undertook an extensive induction programme and enhanced their knowledge of Local Government. Shortly after, Council adopted a new Community Strategic Plan, which sets out the vision for Eurobodalla for the next twenty years. The Plan was based on extensive community consultation. We sought nominations from the community for Council’s seven advisory committees. These committees have already begun providing specialised knowledge and insight on various matters.
We celebrated the opening of the Bay Pavilions in June 2022; a project that has been six years in the making. This extraordinary community asset would not have been possible without significant Australian and NSW government grant funding, the hardwork of Council staff and contractors, and community support.
Council progressed the Southern Water Storage Project this year by working on the construction of the Tuross River Pump Station and awarding the tender for its construction. This project is also supported by Australian and NSW government grant funding.
Council’s commitment to making Eurobodalla a more accessible place for people with a disability was cemented with the adoption of a new Disability Inclusion Action Plan. We look forward to implementing the actions in this plan to make Eurobodalla more accessible for all people.
The Public Art Strategy, Mogo Village Place Activation Plan, Batemans Bay Urban Creeks Flood Study and Eurobodalla Local Infrastructure Contributions Plan were adopted by Council. These documents provide guidance for the future of Eurobodalla. Community recreation and marine infrastructure facilities continued to be maintained and upgraded throughout the year in line with the Recreation and Open Space Strategy and the Marine Strategy.
Our positive relationship with the Australian and NSW governments continued with strong advocacy and grant funding applications, resulting in securing $84 million of grant funding this financial year. This will greatly assist in supporting our community infrastructure and services.
The Mogo Trails project progressed, with the detailed design almost complete and a tender awarded to commence construction. We look forward to the exciting economic and tourism benefits that this project will bring to our shire.
Funding was secured from the NSW Government for the Wagonga Inlet Living Shoreline Project which will see a jetty and pontoon installed. Restoration of the foreshore and oyster reef in this area also commenced. Construction of the Coastal Headlands Walking Trail also began with stairs installed at the northern end of Caseys Beach, Batehaven, and the installation of a viewing platform at Observation Point.
This exciting project will see walking trails developed from Observation Point to Mackenzies Beach.
Council remained connected with the community with our customer service team taking over 57,000 phone calls and receiving over 35,000 emails during the year. Council’s communications team distributed 189 media releases to the community and our Facebook Page reached over 17,100 followers.
We are very proud of the successes achieved this year. To our community, volunteers, former and current Councillors and staff, thank you for your support in the delivery of the outcomes listed in this Annual Report".