A welcome note from Jeff Thompson, newly elected DCA President Hi everyone - Walawaani!
It’s a wonderful privilege to take on the role of President of the Durras Community Association. Big shout out to Trevor Daly who has done an amazing job over many years. He assures me he’s going to be an active Vice President seeing through some projects and showing me the ropes. Thanks again Trevor!
For those of you who don’t know me (and my partner Deb) we’ve had a place in Durras for five years but we’ve finally managed to make the move to live here full time. What an amazing place! We live on Country that has been cared for and looked after for thousands of years then saved from further development, protected, and then spared from catastrophe in recent years.
Coming out of that trauma the Durras community has been particularly active and there’s been some amazing things achieved by the DCA in recent years. I look forward to being part of that and continuing the work being done in our local community to make Durras safe, fun, inclusive, and welcoming while we continue to care for and protect what we hold dear about this place. The next meeting is on Saturday the 22nd of April - I hope to see you there!
Durras Community Association AGM
The DCA AGM was held on Sunday the 12th of February.
The following Executive office bearers were elected for this year:
President - Jeff Thompson
Vice President -Trevor Daly
Treasurer - Alison Lancaster
Secretary - Paul May
Committee Member - Jess May
Committee Member - Meg Richardson
The following members of the Durras Hall Advisory Group were elected (Mick May, Helen Maxwell, Helen Tennant, Paul May, Andrea Annear and Marilyn Delrieux)
Andrea Annear will continue with maintenance, bookings and other issues for the Durras Hall piano. Helen Maxwell will continue as contact for bookings of Durras Hall.
For those unable to attend the AGM, attached FYI is a copy of the President‘s report summarising the efforts and achievements of the Association in 2022.
The meeting also acknowledged and thanked the out-going Vice President Geoff Knox and out-going Treasurer Carolyn Morey for all their efforts for the association over many years.
DCA Meeting Dates 2023
Saturday April 22
Sunday June 25
Saturday August 26
Sunday October 29
Please put in your diary. As usual all meetings will be held at Durras Hall.
Looking forward to seeing you all at the beach or at the next meeting whatever comes first !
Jeff Thompson
Durras Community Association