The DCA AGM was held on Saturday 14 March 2020. The following Executive office bearers were elected unopposed for this year
Above: photo L to R:
Treasurer - Carloyn Morey
President - Trevor Daly
Vice President - Geoff Knox
Secretary - Paul May
The following members of the Durras Hall Advisory Group were re-elected (Mick May, Helen Tennant, Paul May, Moira Christie, Andrea Annear and Carolyn Morey). Andrea Annear has agreed to continue with maintenance, bookings and other issues for the Durras Hall piano. During this year the DCA will be following up on the actions agreed at the Durras Bushfire Community Meeting held on Sat 15 February 2020 at Durras Hall. Updates will be provided. NOTE: DCA General Meetings are being suspended until further notice due to the COVID-19 restrictions on public gatherings. Advice on future meeting dates will be provided when we have further information. Please stay safe and continue social distancing in Durras.