David Gray was the winner of the Tuross Head men’s Saturday stableford competition this week with a round of 40 points. David edged out Brenden Taylor, who finished second, on a countback.
Well known district golfer Colin Houghton filled third place with 39 points with Peter Garn, who also scored 39 points and Tony Brown 38 points taking out the remaining award positions.
Balls were distributed down to 34 points.
Nearest the pins were won by A grade division golfers:
Frank Pomfret on the 4th hole with 2.54 m.
Colin Houghton was closest on the 6th with 1.49 m and
C. Rowe won the 7th with 83 centimetres.
B grade player Ron Rogers won the 4th hole with 3.94 m. and John Phyland won the 7th with 1.69 m.
C grader Mike Allen was best on the 4th hole with 4.3 m.
Lance Shadbolt won the 6th with 87 centimetres and John Englitis the 7th with 3.6 m.
Thursday’s medley stableford competition was won Jim Wade with a high score of 43 stableford points ahead of Desmond Jackson and Paul Rowe who both scored 40 points.
Graeme Sindel with 39 points received the remaining award.
Balls were awarded down to 36 points.
Nearest the pins were won by Bob Hay, Martin booth and Ian McManus.
Photo: Tuross Head golfer Tony Brown accepts award from event sponsor Allen Lee.
Photo: courtesy Tony Brown