At the Council meeting of July 30th Councillors will be asked to vote on the grading schedule for unsealed roads and the resealing schedule Each year a schedule of works is prepared for the maintenance grading of unsealed roads and for the resealing of sealed roads. The report to Councillors says "The grading schedule is based on delivering a reasonable level of service taking into account the various factors impacting on the performance of the road network, in particular, traffic volumes, type of traffic, terrain, amount and quality of gravel and the available budget." "The reseal program is vital from a road safety perspective as it reinstates grip between the vehicle and the road surface and reduces the number of pavement defects such as potholes. Resealing also assists in keeping maintenance costs down, and by extending the life of the underlying structural road pavement by minimising the ingress of moisture. This helps minimise more expensive pavement rebuilding work. The report also adds "Council has a legal responsibility under the Civil Liabilities Act 2002 to appropriately manage risk within available resources. It is prudent for Council to adopt schedules on behalf of the community to allocate resources appropriately. All of the proposed works are an integral part of keeping the local road network to a reasonable condition. The 2019-20 Operational Plan provides a budget of $1,856,915 for reseals on local roads and car parks. "Once the schedules are adopted by Council, they will be placed on Council's website for the information of the community." By way of background Council offers "Reseal Program for Sealed Roads Sealed roads should be resealed every 10-15 years depending on traffic volumes and the type of bitumen seal. Research for our part of New South Wales indicates that bitumen will oxidise and crack at about 10-11 years. The reseal program is vital in keeping maintenance costs down, extending the life of the underlying road pavement and minimising more expensive pavement rehabilitation work. It is also vital from a road safety perspective. "The reseal program is determined through inspection of the road network and with consideration to cracking, ravelling (ie loss of stone) and other failure mechanisms given consideration to known problem areas and feedback from the maintenance teams. The reseal program has a strong focus on treating roads to manage the risk to the public, improve road safety outcomes and minimise the risk of pavement failure. The proposed reseal program for 2019-20 is below: