Above: Eurobodalla councillors 2022-2024 (l- r): David Grace, Rob Pollock, Anthony Mayne, Amber Schutz, Alison Worthington, Mayor Mathew Hatcher, Pete Diskon, Tubby Harrison, Tanya Dannock
The Council is a body of nine members who are elected for a four year term* to carry out duties under the provisions of the Local Government Act and Regulations. The Mayor is popularly elected every four years* and the Deputy Mayor is elected every two years by the members of the Council. The Mayor represents Council when it is not in session.
*The NSW Government determined this term of Council will be shorter than usual due to the Covid-related postponement of local government elections. To realign the election cycle, this term of Council runs until September 2024.
The elected body is supported by a team of Council staff who are responsible for bringing the policies and changes into effect.
Contact your Councillors
Correspondence to councillors can be sent to the councillors directly or by:
email: council@esc.nsw.gov.au
post: Eurobodalla Shire Council PO Box 99, Moruya NSW 2537
Please note that emails sent to the @esc domain are handled by Eurobodalla Shire Council staff. Mayor Mathew Hatcher T: 0482 662 708
E: Mayor@esc.nsw.gov.au
Councillor Tanya Dannock T: 0482 720 103
E: Clrtanya.dannock@esc.nsw.gov.au
Councillor Peter Diskon T: 0482 709 883
E: Clrpeter.diskon@esc.nsw.gov.au
Councillor David Grace T: 0482 788 865
E: Clrdavid.grace@esc.nsw.gov.au
Councillor Tubby Harrison
T: 0482 607 256
E: Clrtubby.harrison@esc.nsw.gov.au
Councillor Anthony Mayne T: 0482 496 402
E: Clranthony.mayne@esc.nsw.gov.au
Councillor Rob Pollock OAM T: 0482 707 080
E: Clrrob.pollock@esc.nsw.gov.au
Councillor Amber Schutz T: 0482 783 020
E: Clramber.schutz@esc.nsw.gov.au
Councillor Alison Worthington T: 0482 846 641
E: Clralison.worthington@esc.nsw.gov.au
Correspondence received at these generic addresses will be distributed by Council's records staff to the councillors and staff specified by the sender. All correspondence or emails sent to Council addresses become official records.