Dear Sir/Madam
Beagle News
I recently asked for help from Council to remove the lower branches of a tree on Candlagan Creek. Their first response was to ‘cut it down’. I have been trying to get some support to allow this tree to continue living where it is. Not only for it’s aesthetic value, the shade it provides but also it absorbs a great deal of rainwater runoff from above and the roots as very advanced and these would break down. This tree has been in some of my paintings and many other artists come to this area.
This is what I wrote to the Mayor.....
It is of great concern to me that this tree is maintained and allowed to continue living where it is, which is on the shoreline of Candlagan Creek, Mossy Point. The tree is well established and watered by the constant run off of rain water down the southern slope of Mossy Point. Along with the other pines behind it they create an extremely valuable infrastructure for the shoreline.
I have requested the tree be helped by pruning the lower branches so it can continue to help hold onto the land around it. Council’s ‘arborist’ has written to say due to council’s ‘limited resources’ it is better to remove the entire tree than to prune few branches?!
If this tree is removed the valuable root system will break down and leave the land vulnerable to the incoming tides. This will be hastened by the run off of rainwater from the streets above, which is currently absorbed by these trees.
Please help to preserve our coastline.
Thankyou for your time,
Frances Luke
Mossy Point