Council are running their sixth Community Services Jobs Drive - and you're invited!
Print copies of your resume and apply for jobs face to face - no online applications!
20 employers from the care sector
over 180 job vacancies
training providers and supports services
Job roles include:
community care worker in the home
support worker in residential care
registered and enrolled nurse
general services assistant
food services assistant.
They've got all kinds of job - entry level AND qualified roles.
They've also got casual, part-time, full-time, traineeship and school-based traineeship opportunities from Batemans Bay to Narooma.
event details:
When: Thursday 30 March, 10am - 12pm
Where: RSL Memorial Hall, 11 Page Street, Moruya
Cost: free
bookings essential
To book or for more information contact employment projects officer Amy Kovacs:
4474 7380 or