President Sue Beavan welcomed 39 ladies especially to those members who have recently returned from holidays.
Hope Jan and John are enjoying their getaway up north, I know Jan always reads my weekly Report when away.
Pat Bill Chair of Selection called cards which she and Jenny Blyth had selected while David was absent.
There were some very close scores today so well done to Selection Committee.
Winners on Rink 11, Gai Gibson, Sonia Frey and Bev Feehan.Runners-up Rink 14, Gloria Harper, Colleen Ashby and Lyn Hardy. Lucky Losers Rink 12, Di MacPherson, Joan Rimmer and Yvonne Huddleston.
Promised Skips Sue and Nancy that I would mention that Leads Carmel and Tricia bowled really well today. Although my team didn’t win we all had an enjoyable game together , quite tricky in the wind though. Other winning teams, Gay Biggs as a swinging Lead with Raija Johnston and Alison Innes. Jenny Blyth and June Williams in a Pairs match. Jeanette Roberts, Wendy Geary and Karen Signor. Carmel Price, Judy Davis and Sue Morgan. Di Wotherspoon, Helen Rees and Sue Beavan.
Money Club winners, Pat Bill and Judy Armstrong. Lucky numbers, Jeanette Roberts, Gwen Ware, Sue Morgan.
Congratulations to Pat Bill who is celebrating her Birthday, we all joined in with the Happy Birthday song. Nomination Forms are on Notice Board for Management and Selection Committees , closes on 2nd September. A Special General Meeting will be held on Thursday 21st September @ 10am, followed by our AGM.
Club Pairs which closes on 29th August and District Fours nomination forms are also on Notice Board. Sue announced we will celebrate our last day before unification on Tuesday 12th September. The Women’s Bowling Club started in February 1980 so we will be celebrating 43 years also.
Winners Sonia Frey, Bev Feehan, Gai Gibson .
District Senior Pairs Runners-up, Gay Biggs and Sue Beaven.