Kristy McBain posts:
Lockdown restrictions tightened Additional lockdown restrictions are being introduced following a meeting of the NSW crisis cabinet. Restrictions will be placed on holiday houses. People from locked-down areas are not allowed to travel to their second homes, except under special circumstances, such as maintenance, and only one person will be able to attend. The NSW government will also introduce isolation payments for close contacts of COVID-19 positive cases forced to miss work and isolate. This payment will begin Monday. People wishing to leave Greater Sydney will need a permit to do so. Additional COVID testing clinics have also been set up across the region with other clinics extending their hours to open over the weekend. Find your nearest NSW testing location: Distressed and need immediate support?
1. For emergency care, call 000 (Triple Zero). Even if self isolating, you are allowed to seek out emergency support.
2. Call Lifeline 24/7 on 13 11 14
3. For support via text midday to midnight, SMS Lifeline Text Crisis Service on 0477 13 11 1
4. For young people and children, call Kids Helpline 24/7 on 1800 55 1800