The crime that has intrigued people of the Far South Coast for 142 years – the 'Bermagui Mystery' – still remains a mystery despite the best efforts of about 25 amateur sleuths on Sunday.
They joined members of Narooma and Bermagui Historical Societies and the Montreal Goldfield Management Committee to retrace the mystery from Bermagui to Mystery Bay.
Five men disappeared from Bermagui on Sunday 10 October 1880. Their bodies were never found, only their boat deliberately wrecked near what is now known as Mystery Bay.
Lost were Government Geological Surveyor Lamont Young, sent to survey the new Montreal goldfields, his assistant Max Schneider, and three men from Batemans Bay – boat owner Tom Towers, William Lloyd and Daniel Casey. Their disappearance quickly became known as ‘the Bermagui Mystery’.
Bermagui Historical Society President Alan Douch said, “We were delighted to attract people from Moruya to Eden, all of whom were quote fascinated with how the mystery unfolded during the day”.
“This is the fifth time we’ve held this event and amazingly each time we seem to consider something more, even this long after the tragedy,” said Narooma Historical Society President Laurelle Pacey.
This included confusion in the original records about where the boat was wrecked, Corunna Point or Mystery Bay. Then one man who was never considered a suspect at the time left the Tilba area abruptly the day after the boat was discovered, never to return. It turns out he may have also had another but similar identity.
Dave Cotton of Bermagui Historical Society provided the map combining old maps and evidence from the time to give people a clear overview of the area between Bermagui and Corunna Point.
While this time there were no descendants of any of the people involved in the tragedy, some had been in contact with Judi Hearn of the Montreal Goldfields committee in recent days.
“So while we are no closer to solving the mystery, everyone went away mulling over what might have happened and why,” Ms Pacey said. “The mystery remains.”

Above: Judi Hearn of Montreal Goldfields Management Committee outlines to the gathered throng on Sunday the scene on the Montreal goldfields and what was seen from the beach on the fateful morning Sunday 10 October 1880. Photo courtesy Wendy Douch.

Above: From a vantage point at Tilba Cemetery, Laurelle Pacey of Narooma Historical Society described the known movement of ships and boats off the coast that Sunday morning, 10 October 1880. Photo courtesy Wendy Douch.