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  • Writer's pictureThe Beagle

Bega: Seed funding on offer for new business-boosting ideas

Bega Valley Shire Council is pleased to launch its Business Boost Ideas program, where local businesses and not-for-profits have the opportunity to secure seed funding for a recovery business idea with the potential of boosting our local economy.

Council’s Community and Economic Development Manager, Alex Cunningham said Business Boost Ideas is about business recovery and resilience to support our local economy and create sustainable jobs.

“We know there are businesses and community organisations in the shire with great ideas that just need a financial kick-start and specialist attention,” Mr Cunningham said.

“To get the ball rolling, interactive Business Boost Ideas hackathon workshops will be held in eight locations across the shire between 7 and 15 March.

“These sessions will explain what Business Boost Ideas is about and focus on testing business ideas, developing business strategies and getting participants ready to submit an Expression of Interest for seed funding.

“The Business Boost Ideas EOI process will open on 8 March to all local businesses and incorporated not-for-profits.

“We encourage people to take advantage of the sessions so they can put in the best EOI possible.

“Participants in the sessions will be prioritised for the Business Boost seed funding.”

Mr Cunningham said the EOIs will be reviewed against a selection criteria by an expert panel.

“Twenty Business Boost Ideas considered viable by the panel will receive Business Boost seed funding of $2,500,” Mr Cunningham said.

“Seed-funded businesses will be supported to develop their business idea through mentoring and networking opportunities, as well as specialised workshops. The specialised workshops will also be open to all businesses in the Bega Valley.”

The Business Boost Ideas program is funded under the NSW Government’s Bushfire Community Resilience and Recovery Fund.

Hackathon workshops:

· Cobargo: Monday 7 March (breakfast) School of Arts, 7am-9am

· Bermagui: Monday 7 March (evening) Bermagui Country Club, 5pm-7pm

· Candelo: Tuesday 8 March (breakfast) Candelo Café, 7am-9am

· Tathra: Tuesday 8 March (evening) Tathra Bowling Club Bistro, 5pm-7pm

· Merimbula: Wednesday 9 March (evening) Merimbula RSL Club, 5pm-7pm

· Bemboka: Monday 14 March (drop-in) Bemboka Pies, 12:30pm-2:00pm

· Bega: Monday 14 March (evening) Bega Bowling Club, 5pm-7pm

· Eden: Wednesday 15 March (evening) Welcome Centre, Snug Cove, 5:30pm-7:30pm

Registrations for the Hackathon workshops are now open.


NOTE: Comments were TRIALED - in the end it failed as humans will be humans and it turned into a pile of merde; only contributed to by just a handful who did little to add to the conversation of the issue at hand. Anyone who would like to contribute an opinion are encouraged to send in a Letter to the Editor where it might be considered for publication

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