Bega Valley Shire Council has welcomed an announcement by the NSW Government to include an additional $500 million in funding to repair potholes on local flood-damaged roads.
Council’s Acting Chief Executive Officer, Iliada Bolton said the funding presents an enormous opportunity to improve safety on the shire’s roads.
“The announcement follows our support for The Country Mayors Association NSW and Local Government NSW’s urgent call for the state and federal governments to increase existing road funding commitments in the wake of a declared State-wide Road Emergency,” Ms Bolton said.
“We acknowledge the work of the Country Mayors Association (NSW) in advocating for this funding which Council will be applying for to repair potholes on sealed and unsealed roads, brought on by last year’s extreme wet weather.
“Bega Valley Shire has approximately 1,500km of sealed and unsealed roads that Council maintains.
“The frequent extreme wet weather events we have faced have caused extensive damage disrupting the road network and affecting all road users.
“This funding announcement follows last year’s success when more than $500,000 was secured in the first NSW Government’s Fixing Local Roads Pothole Repair Round, from a pool of $50 million.
“Additional funding will go a long way to improve the safety of our roads for all road users.