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  • Writer's pictureThe Beagle

Bega: Community feedback sought on proposed changes to the planning scheme for housing diversity

Bega Valley Shire Council is exhibiting a range of proposed changes to the planning scheme that will increase the variety and supply of housing in the shire.

Acting Director Community, Environment and Planning, Emily Harrison said the proposed changes seek to implement recommendations in the Affordable Housing and Residential Land strategies.

“The proposed changes are in response to the need for a greater mix of housing stock including smaller low-maintenance homes for older singles and couples, and more affordable housing for key workers and families,” Ms Harrison said.

“Changes proposed include more options for one- and two-bedroom homes within our villages and towns so locals can stay in their community through their various life stages, rather than having to move somewhere else due to the lack of suitable housing.

“Enabling urban areas to have a mix of single homes, villas and townhouses will ensure better use of existing infrastructure such as roads and parks.

“Additional housing will also come from new land releases planned for Bega, Bermagui, South Pambula and Wolumla, which will help address the current shortage of housing as well as accommodate future population growth.

“We are proposing to permit some smaller blocks in urban areas, sewered villages and new subdivisions, as well as more townhouses and villas in existing urban areas.”

Ms Harrison said potential impacts on neighbourhood character will be managed by limiting new villas and townhouses to larger blocks and enacting stricter site density and landscaping controls.

“Most of the existing development controls in place to protect neighbourhood character, such as character statements, building height limits, view sharing principles, solar access, privacy and overshadowing controls, will remain unchanged.”

Details on the full range of proposed changes to the Bega Valley Local Environmental Plan and Development Control Plan are available on the Have Your Say page of Council’s website.

Comments on the proposed changes are welcome during the exhibition period which closes on 21 August.


NOTE: Comments were TRIALED - in the end it failed as humans will be humans and it turned into a pile of merde; only contributed to by just a handful who did little to add to the conversation of the issue at hand. Anyone who would like to contribute an opinion are encouraged to send in a Letter to the Editor where it might be considered for publication

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