The mindset of some people never ceases to disgust me. I've just received this really distressing warning message from Batemans Bay Heritage Museum, a not-for-profit organisation managed, operated and staffed by volunteers on behalf of the community:
A warning to other community groups with externally stored equipment. For the second time in a year the external displays of Batemans Bay Heritage Museum have been the subject of theft and vandalism. Despite security cameras installed after the first theft, they were put out of commission very simply, and our new trailer (worth $1,000) was stolen, packed with items from our blacksmith shop and one of our storage sheds, taking iron and mechanical artefacts from simple rural tools like rabbit traps to small engines.
Artefacts in their way were thrown from storage onto the rain soaked ground and paper items are unrecoverable. We believe it is the same people who broke in during Covid closure, who waited until we had replaced what we could. These items are sold at car boot sales, markets, down the pub, rural events, etc.
We are all volunteers and work so hard to keep this community resource to a high standard. I'm sure you can all understand our feelings at this time. Please do not be complacent about your own holdings.
Writing in some sadness.
Myf Thompson for the Executive at Batemans Bay Heritage Museum.
Please, if anyone in the Bay saw anything untoward at the museum site, let the committee or the police know; and to our local museums here in the Bega Valley and Eurobodalla, be aware that there a bottom feeders out there who have no appreciation of the efforts and contributions of those who work so hard to make our towns better places.