Pam Thorpe of Rotary Club of Batemans Bay told The Beagle "It was back in August, when Rebecca Bamman contacted Rotary as the sign at Albert Bamman Memorial Park in Malua Bay was missing.
"Thanks to the ESC and the Rotary Club of Batemans Bay a new sign was made and this was erected in the Park on Sunday Dec 13th, 2020. It was great to see the youngest members of the Bamman family helping by painting the uprights! Their great-grandfather would have been immensely proud!
"Albert Bamman was a builder from Sydney and, after falling in love with Malua Bay, he bought a block of land on the cliff in Pyang Ave in the early 1950’s from the Kings’ who used to farm the land.
"He built a fibro shack where the family holidayed for many years. Albert eventually moved his family down to live and began building homes in Malua Bay. He was a great worker in the community and a long-time Rotarian and a past President of the Rotary Club of Batemans Bay."