Bill Radley, Convenor of the South Coast ASA Discussion Group offers a reminder that the next meeting of the South Coast ASA group is on THIS WEDNESDAY 09 January. Usual 2.00pm,
Secondly, and most importantly, he presents an idea for the meeting on Wednesday.
"Most of you, like me, are watching the stock market unravel at the moment. Every day another scary story. Yesterday it was Apple's turn. What next?. Journalists are great at creating horror stories, but watching the stock prices, what should/could investors be doing at present?
This is a great topic for us to talk about this Wednesday. What do you do when the market is falling?
I have attached a couple of items you might like to read beforehand. One by Roger Montgomery who concludes that now is a good time to be sitting on cash. He makes a very compelling argument.
The second is a teaser. I wrote an article for ASA Equity (which might or might not get published) on the psychology of a falling sharemarket. Happy to discuss. Please do not distribute this article to anyone other than members of our group. ASA may publish it in the near future.
"The third issue is our model portfolio, which, like the stock market, is taking a hammering. What should we do? Let's discuss some tactics for dealing with our portfolio as it currently is (copy attached), and what we might have done with stocks in the portfolio over the past 3 months (isn't hindsight wonderful!!!)
"Look forward to seeing you all on Wednesday"
For more information ring Ph 0419612401
The ASA Model Portfolio Interest rates rise, asset prices fall, and cash is king again « ROGER MONTGOMERY