Dear Beagle Editor, I would like to share the latest correspondence I have received from Council with Beagle readers.
Considering my latest response from Council regarding,“Inconsistency in Council Procedures,” suggests that they are.
My question to council was:
Why is Council is now seeking submissions in regard to licences for use of Crown Land, as opposed to the South Coast Hunters Club (SCHC) Licence and extensions, where no submissions were sought or required by Policy or Legislation.
My response from a senior staff member (Sept 12):
“On 9 November 2016 the NSW Parliament passed the Crown Land Management Act 2016 (CLM Act). As noted, the passing of this Act was well past the consideration of the Huntfest event.”
I believe this statement was made because the new Act WILL require community consultation.
However, the Crown Land Management Act 2016, has not yet commenced. Early 2018 is the predicted commencement date by Dept of Industry – Crown Lands.
Furthermore, Crown Lands provided councils with, “Update for Councils” regarding Crown Land Management dated June 2017, which contradicts council’s statement. The Update states:
“There are no immediate changes. All current legislation remains in place until the new Act commences. Crown land and all Crown reserves will continue to be administered in accordance with current legislation.”
So no legislation has changed, contrary to the assertion made by a senior staffer!
I was also informed, by this senior staff member:
“I will not be responding to any further enquiries from you on this matter.”
As a consequence, I have had to write to the General Manager, informing her of the wrongful advice I received and that, perhaps she could answer my question:
Why is Council is now seeking submissions in regard to licences for use of Crown Land, as opposed to the SCHC Licence and extensions, where no submissions were sought or required by Policy or Legislation?
Patricia Gardiner
Deua River Valley