If you’re on a fixed income, managing your energy bills throughout the year can be challenging. Now that winter is here, the Australian Department of the Environment and Energy's 'Seniors guide to energy saving' may be able to help you lower your energy bills. The Seniors' guide website: "Lifestyle and energy-use patterns change as you move into retirement. Managing energy bills can be challenging, particularly if you’re on a fixed income such as a pension. "This guide explains how to reduce bills by changing your energy use and by choosing the most suitable contract. It includes ways to manage payments and what to do if you’re having difficulties or are faced with disconnection. There are resources for homeowners, renters and landlords. Making some of these changes can save money, energy and water as well as making your home more comfortable" Ways to save are offered in detail for the following: Heating and cooling Hot water Appliances Lighting Access it here: http://yourenergysavings.gov.au/guides/seniors-guide-energy-saving
The Beagle