A very good field of 61 players registered for today's Single Stableford event despite showers having been forecast for later in the morning. Fortunately the rain held off and players were able to complete their round whilst remaining dry. Results for the morning were as follows: 1st: Gus Alameddine with a score of 24 points on count back. 2nd: Ian Wratten also with 24. 3rd: Kathy Crossling on 21 points on count back. Ball or Chocolate: Des Jackson on 21, Lee Ridgway and Derek Hoare on 20, Graham Moore and Michael Kermode on 19, Lyn Benger, Paul Pereira, Greg Thornton, Ian Manton and Ross Macalpine all on 18, followed by Jeanette Miller, Colin Fletcher, Bruce Ware and Gail Rogers on 17 points after a seven way count back. The Bradman's award went to visiting golfer Colin Morrison who might consider himself hard done by by the handicapper as this was Colin's first game in many years and his first competitive one at Tuross. The handicapper has promised to better next week! Nearest the Pins: 4th: Terry Challender (in the hole). 6th: Herb Muriwai. Ladies 7th: Peg Nevett. Men's 7th: Ian Miller. The Accuracy award for the straightest drive on the 5th hole was won by Frank Pomfret with a long drive alongside the string line. Next week's game is a Stroke and Putts event with registration in the downstairs sports bar area from 7.45am and a shotgun start at 8.30am.”

Photo: Winner Gus Alameddine with golfing partners Michael Birks and Al Gannon. Photo Paul Pereira