Labor Candidate for Gilmore, Fiona Phillips, said she is pleased the Batemans Bay Indoor Aquatic Centre project, and Batemans Bay/Moruya road, infrastructure and tourism projects, were pitched to Opposition Leader Bill Shorten MP, when Bill Shorten visited the Gilmore electorate at Nowra on Thursday. A Back to Work – Economic Roundtable was held where representatives from the Eurobodalla, Shoalhaven and Kiama councils, as well as key projects such as the Batemans Bay Indoor Aquatic Centre project, were discussed directly with Bill Shorten, with a view to creating jobs in the local area.

Above: Committee member Carolyn Harding attended a round table discussion with Bill Shorten and Fiona Phillips in Nowra yesterday, where she and fellow committee members Rodney Weber and Joanne Chapman had the opportunity to talk about the indoor aquatic centre that Batemans Bay so desperately needs. While in The Shoalhaven area they also visited the Nowra Aquatic Park and the Bay and Basin Leisure Centre. They were given tours of each facility by the managers and picked up some valuable information to help with the planning of the Batemans Bay centre. “This was a prime opportunity to put key projects from the Batemans Bay/Moruya area in the forefront of Bill’s mind and I know that was achieved”, Fiona said. “The Batemans Bay community has been waiting over twenty years for an all year round swimming facility; that’s clearly too long. I wanted to make sure that Bill Shorten heard first hand from the Batemans Bay Indoor Aquatic Centre Committee Executive members that a Batemans Bay Indoor Aquatic Centre is essential for year round health and recreation, and to help create local jobs”, Fiona continued. “I have started a petition calling on an elected Shorten Labor Government to ensure federal funds are put towards the Batemans Bay Indoor Aquatic Centre project, and I am encouraging community members to sign the petition”, Fiona said. “The petition can be accessed at: “, Fiona concluded.
Batemans Bay Indoor Aquatic Centre Petition Can you help by signing this petition for an elected Shorten Labor Government to provide federal funds towards the Batemans Bay Indoor Aquatic Centre? The Batemans Bay community, through the Batemans Bay Indoor Aquatic Committee Inc, have been fundraising and lobbying for an all year round swimming pool for over 20 years - that's far too long! From 2009 - 2015 I led the successful campaign to Save Nowra's Community Swimming Pool and build a new aquatic park, which resulted in the new Nowra Aquatic Park opening in 2015. Can you help by signing my petition to have an elected Bill Shorten Labor Government help fund the new Batemans Bay Indoor Aquatic Centre? The existing outdoor 50m swimming pool closes during the winter season making all year round swimming for fitness and recreation impossible in the Batemans Bay area. There is a need for a hydrotherapy pool as well and an environment that encourages health, fitness and wellbeing. This project would bring significant jobs to the Batemans Bay area both during the construction phase and ongoing jobs once opened. If you would like further information about the community led Batemans Bay Indoor Aquatic Centre project please visit the facebook page of the Batemans Bay Indoor Aquatic Centre Inc: Fiona Phillips