The Beagle Editor
In the last few days several of our country’s politicians have been talking about housing requirements in the country, affordable housing to be specific. They’ve been attempting to display real concerns about the cost of housing these days, indicating there’s a very good chance home ownership for many will not occur or will become very difficult.
It’s the country’s politicians that are responsible for the Housing Ownership difficulties and the associated affordability. The country’s politicians are the ones who supported planning changes, smaller blocks and higher density’s as well as ignoring the benefits of decentralisation and country jobs. Their economic advisers knew most were incapable of thinking for themselves. Now we have a national basket case with housing and country employment. We shouldn’t be too concerned though because the country's politicians are doing ok financially screwing the national population who fund them all. Blue, Red & Green they are all tarred with the same taxpayer funded brush.
It’s about time our politicians at all levels began thinking about the financial benefits decentralisation can deliver to rural and regional Australia, for all peoples well being. Some of our local Council Politicians might like talk the decentralisation talk in some coming council workshops instead of talking about how people in the shire can be screwed for more money.
Allan Brown Catalina

Motorcycle riding classes, worm farming demos, basket weaving courses Is it time to focus on the bigger issues ?