Dr Dale
General Manager Eurobodalla Shire Council
Dear Dr Dale,
At the February 14th 2017, Council meeting Councillors resolved to write to various people eg. the Southern Regional Manager, of the RMS the Minister for the RMS the local Member and perhaps others inviting them to a meeting with Councillors and Council Staff to talk about long term planning matters in relation to the Princes Highway Corridor as it passes through the Eurobodalla Shire. Might I remind you of the Motion: MOTION - Councillor Constable/Councillor Mayne THAT: Council invite the Hon. Melinda Pavey MP in her capacity as NSW Minister for Roads, Maritime and Freight, and the Hon. Andrew Constance MP in his dual capacity as the Local Member and NSW Minister for Transport & Infrastructure, the Hon. John Barilaro MP, in his capacity as Deputy Premier, Minister for Regional NSW and Member for Monaro and the Hon. Bronwyn Taylor MLC, in her capacity as Parliamentary Secretary for Deputy Premier and Southern NSW, together with the RMS Southern Region Manager Ms Renae Elrington to a meeting with Councillors and the necessary Council staff, as soon as it can be arranged, to engage in a discussion about the vital importance of: i) advancing the upgrading the Princes Highway and Kings Highway, noting the critical role these highways have in servicing Eurobodalla Shire’s residents, businesses and transport needs, the greater South Coast and Canberra regions and the international market place via Canberra airport. ii) developing longer term plans for the future redevelopment of the Princes Highway and Kings Highway to meet the medium and long term needs. (The Motion on being put was declared CARRIED) Have the invitations been sent and responded to, when will the proposed meeting be held. Will it be open to the public? If not why not? yours sincerely
Allan Brown Catalina