FROM FIRST FARMERS TO FUTURE HARVESTS South East Harvest Festival, Moruya. 31 March - 1st April 2017 When communities collaborate and co-create, Magic happens. We live in a region abundant with opportunity for high quality produce. We also have a local tradition of tens of thousands of years of food procurement intelligence begging to be retained and passed down the generations through the generously shared knowledge of our local Walbunja community. All this sitting side by side with knowledge shared from local contemporary farmers. Bring the whole family to South East Harvest (SEH) - if you are not walking away from this year's South East Harvest with a magic mindset for your food future and a permanent paradigm shift, then we will eat our farmers hats! The South East Harvest Festival, moderated by About Regional's Ian Campbell is the premier annual event for Sustainable Agriculture and Gardening Eurobodalla (SAGE)** and this year is a wonderful co-creation with our local Walbunja community. We are so fortunate to have Bruce Pascoe, Senior Bunurong/Yuin man and author of over 30 books, attending as a guest speaker at our festival on 1st April. Bruce is a change agent – it’s pretty well impossible to listen to him speak or read his book 'Dark Emu, Black Seeds: Agriculture or Accident' and not have a total paradigm shift.

Join us at Southeast Harvest festival for more inspiration and sharing from Bruce.

FRIDAY evening from 5.30pm - SEH kicks off with the CHEW THE FAT forum at SAGE garden. SATURDAY from 9 am - The journey continues at the FREE day long festival, Moruya Show grounds. Highlights of SEH events include: - Artefact display of locally held treasures relating to food hunting and gathering. - Welcome to country and talkfest with Lee-Anne Parsons Senior Walbunja Woman, CEO of Cobowra Local Aboriginal Land Council and Walbunja/Gumbayggirr man, Bindarray jiibiny. Sharing knowledge & dance on local food traditions and vision for the future. - Bruce Pascoe Senior Bunurong/Yuin man, award winning author of Dark Emu, Black Seeds: agriculture or accident will be sharing his thought provoking information on the roots of agriculture in times of our First Farmers and his ideas for the future. - John Newton, writer, teacher and speaker - award winning author including The Oldest Foods on Earth - the story of Australian native produce, with recipes will be among other things speaking on how we might consider the ancient traditions of our First Farmers when we are wondering what to eat tonight. - Climate change effects are also considered on the Friday Chew the Fat panel, with the inclusion of Professor Janette Lindsay – Palaeoclimatologist, ANU.