During the past two weeks The Narooma Camera Club has held its AGM and its Image of the Year competition. In addition it also held its Christmas dinner and trophy presentations at Club Narooma on Tuesday 20 December. Thirty people attended the dinner and thanks go to Graham Small for organising it and for arranging some challenging quizzes and games.
Our thanks also go to Club Narooma for providing a really nice meal and for their good service.
At the AGM, the following committee was elected for 2017:
President: Colin Pass
Secretary: Michelle Merry
Treasurer: Brian Gunter
Competition Secretary: Russell Howick.
Committee member: Krysia St Clair.
Rosy Williams will continue to carry out publicity for the club.
Peter Seath will act as technological advisor and will assist in training matters.
At the Christmas dinner, trophies were awarded to the following winners of the Image of the Year competition:
Novice: Kathy Grayson (below)
Intermediate: Rosy Williams (below)
Experienced: Brian Gunter
Above: Image of the Year, Experienced, Brian Gunter
Trophies were also awarded to those members who had accumulated most points in the monthly competitions throughout 2016 as follows:
Novice: Bec Stevens
Intermediate: Ann Christiansen
Experienced: Colin Pass.
The Narooma and Districts Camera Club welcomes visitors and beginners so please come along and see what we have to offer. Our first meeting of 2017, which is a technical training night, is at 7 pm, Wednesday 1 February at Club Narooma. If you like us you can join, if you don’t, there is no obligation.
For information please contact Michelle Merry 0409 020 458 or by email: secretaryNDCC@gmail.com Below are three sample photographs which were entered in monthly competitions at the Narooma Camera Club during 2016, taken by the trophy winners for most accumulated points in the Novice, Intermediate and Experienced divisions.
Above:Novice: Bec Stevens Intermediate: Ann Christiansen Experienced: Colin Pass.