ANNOUNCEMENT - MARINE RESCUE NSW ULLADULLA WILL BE HOLDING EXTRA HARBOUR MARKETS OVER SUMMER 2016-2017 - - - - - - MARKET DATES - - - - - - SUNDAY 13th NOVEMBER 2016 SUNDAY 11th DECEMBER 2016 THURSDAY 22nd DECEMBER 2016 MONDAY 2nd JANUARY 2017 SUNDAY 8th JANUARY 2017 WEDNESDAY 18th JANUARY 2017 WE ARE SEEKING STALLHOLDERS FOR THE SUMMER SEASON - - - - - For new stallholders the site fee will be free for the 1st booking, then half price for the 2nd consecutive booking - - - STALLHOLDER BOOKINGS & MARKET ENQUIRIES 44553403 ullmarket@gmail.com *All Stallholders must have public liability insurance* - - - MANY THANKS TO THE LOCAL COMMUNITY, STALLHOLDERS, BUSINESSES AND VISITORS FOR YOUR CONTINUED SUPPORT - - - YOUR SUPPORT KEEPS US ON THE WATER - - - Planning to go boating in the Ulladulla region over Summer? Check weather, ocean and tide conditions before heading out, LOG ON & OFF VHF 16/19, 27MHz 88/98 44553403 or via the Marine Rescue App - a free download from the App Store or Google play