OCTOBER 23, 1920
In the depths below.– Some excitement was caused on Saturday evening last when it was discovered that Mr. J. Staunton’s sulky pony had fallen into a well at “Oaklands.” Luckily there were only three feet of water in the well, therefore the animal was not in any danger of drowning. Two car loads of willing hands went out from town, and with the able assistance of Mr. H. Ball and his tackle the pony was soon raised to terra firma.
ILLAWARRA AND SOUTH COAST S. N. Co.– In terms of special resolutions passed at a meeting of shareholders in the Illawarra and South Coast Steam Navigation Co., Ltd., the company has gone into liquidation. A new company of the same name has been registered, and in accordance with the terms of the resolutions taking over the assets of the old company, is continuing the business as from the time of liquidation. …

NEW BUSINESS.– Mrs. P. J. Gannon has just opened a new business in Campbell Street. Her stock comprises stationary, toys, school requisites and hand painted Xmas cards. This clever artist is also prepared to give lessons in Fine Arts.
After many months of thought and energy on the part of those who undertook to carry out a Bazaar in aid of St. John’s Church Fund, their efforts were rewarded last week end by one of the most successful (financially and socially) events the church has had for some years. Many hours were spent by the band of busy workers in the Centennial Hall, and when the time arrived for the opening on Friday afternoon the transformation scene which had taken place in that large unadorned building was charming in the extreme.

On entering, the first sight to attract the eye was an artistically arranged sweet and flower stall in front of the stage. This was a dome formation in blue and white, and, while a white trellised background interlaced with Flora’s beauties, beneath which reposed the choicest of home-made confectionery, presented a most delightful picture. ….. On the right of the stage was a Jumble Stall, their decorative scheme being carried out in pink. This stall was laden with all that was pretty and useful. …. Next came the cool and refreshing Ice Cream and Oyster Saloon… With the succulent bivalves and cool creams daintily served, brisk business was transacted. On the left of the stage Mesdames Sanders and Gregg… delighted hearts of the little ones with their beautiful array of toys and novelties… Very mysterious looking was a draped-in corner bearing the words “Fish Pond.” The small people found endless reasons for being in its vicinity, and for a small silver bait caught a variety of “fish”… Nearby was the Hoop-la ... on which many sports “rang-in” useful wares. At the extreme end of the hall was the Produce Stall. In the centre of the hall hung the Kiora Snowball Dip…. Last but by no means least, was that all-important person, the inner man, catered for. The stage was occupied by this important department, and the capable manageress, Mrs. A. H. Fox, with her bevy of smart waitresses, assiduously attended to her numerous patrons. .... Messrs. A. Fox and A. Louttit tested the accuracy of the sports’ eyes with a shooting gallery.
Throughout the afternoon and evening the stalls were well patronised by the many people present. The bazaar continued on Saturday when the capacity of the hall was taxed to its utmost…...
BATEMAN’S BAY (From our Correspondent).
The Bateman’s Bay Brass Band made their debut on Friday night, when an attractive programme of musical items and a Ball was carried out to assist the finances and to inaugurate the Band. The public have been united in liberality and kind sympathy with its promoters and crowned their appreciation by overflowing patronage at the first appearance in public of the bandsmen. Many who scoffed at the original efforts to master the windy instruments now live to regret their scoffing. Compliments were showered on the bandmaster, Mr. J. Latty, on the secretary, Mr. A. Ryan, and on their merry followers who have persevered, in spite of adverse criticism, giving their leisure time to make life in the Bay less gloomy and more harmonious.