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100 Years Ago June 24th 1922

Writer's picture: The BeagleThe Beagle

THE following tennis players will represent Moruya against Braidwood at Braidwood on Monday: - Mesdames Ison and Simpson, Messrs. C. Carter, F. Knight, P. J. Feneley, R. Dixon and J. Cunningham.

THE marriage of Miss Alma Felice, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. T. Newman of “Bundarra,” Moruya, and Mr. David, son of Mr. D. Innes, late of Mogo, took place at St. John’s Church on Wednesday morning, the Rev. G. A. Sanders officiating. Mr. C. Innes, brother of the bridegroom, acted as best man, and Miss Irene Newman (sister of the bride) attended as bridesmaid.

Above: The Innes house

THERE died in his sleep on Friday night at Gundary, Mr. John Alexander Stewart, aged 81 years. Deceased who was of a quiet and unassuming disposition, was a native of Randwick and had for a number of years resided in this district. The funeral took place on Sunday, the remains being interred in the Presbyterian portion of the Moruya cemetery. Deceased leaves to mourn her sad loss an aged widow whom Mr. and Mrs. Frank Luck have kindly taken into their own home to care for.

To augment the funds of the A. & P. Society a euchre party and dance was held in the Amusu Theatre on Tuesday evening. The tournament, conducted by Messrs. C. de Saxe and J. Hansen, was a most successful one, 84 players participating. At the conclusion of the eighth game Mr. Frank Staunton was declared the winner of the cheese, and Mesdames P. Lynch, A. Ison and Miss C. Staunton a fowl each. Under the management of members’ wives, sisters and friends the daintiest of dainty refreshments were served up. Controlled by Mr. de Saxe dancing to Miss Kurz’s music concluded an enjoyable evening. Messrs. H. P. Jeffery and J. R. Milne had charge of the doors.

ONE of our oldest pioneers and most successful farmers, Mr. Geo. Turner, died in Sydney on Wednesday night at the age of 75 years. The late Mr. Turner, who has been in failing health for the past few years, underwent an operation for an internal complaint on Monday but without avail, and after a well-spent life of industry and thrift, combined with integrity and uprightness, he passed to his eternal reward fortified by the last rites of the church to which he belonged. He leaves a widow and grown up family, as well as three brothers, Messrs. Thomas, John and Edward, and five sisters Mesdames Wallace, J. Connors, Jones, T. Connors, and Miss M. Turner. …

NOTE: Comments were TRIALED - in the end it failed as humans will be humans and it turned into a pile of merde; only contributed to by just a handful who did little to add to the conversation of the issue at hand. Anyone who would like to contribute an opinion are encouraged to send in a Letter to the Editor where it might be considered for publication

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