Moruya Examiner June 19th 1920
MILK.- Our local suppliers are obtaining the splendid price of 1/- per gallon for milk at the Cheese Factory.
HOME AGAIN.– Mesdames E. Ryan and E. Graham, who each underwent an operation in Lewisham Hospital a few weeks ago, have returned home vastly improved in health.
SUCCESSFUL STUDENT.– At the recent examination held by the Association of Accountants of Australia, our old friend, Mr. H.E. Simpson, we are pleased to note, was a successful candidate
FIRE.– On Saturday night last Mr. Nes Christensen, of Bateman’s Bay, had the misfortune to have his milking machine, engine, sheds, bails and shed of hay completely destroyed by fire. Mr. Christensen, who estimates his loss at £200, cannot account for the conflagration, but thinks it way have been caused through rats. The plant and sheds were uninsured.
A STURDY AUSTRALIAN.– Whilst playing in a practice match on Sunday Mr. P. J. Feneley of the Forestry Dept., had the misfortune to have his collar bone dislocated. Despite this painful accident, our brave sport, who is evidently fully endowed with the true Australian grit, went to Cobargo and played in the challenge match there on Wednesday. Yesterday however, Mr. Feneley had to go to Narooma, where Drs Birmingham and Lister will replace the bone. We sincerely trust our young friend will have a speedy recovery.
FISH OH!- Some enormous hauls of fish have been made lately by our fishermen at Tuross and Coila. Mr. H. Waters, lessee of the local Refrigeration Works, informs us that during the past week 475 baskets were brought in from Tuross. 370 baskets were the result of one haul alone, which included 450 odd Jew fish, their total weight being 4500 lbs. The value of this wonderful catch to the four fishermen was £122 clear of expenses. One man’s work in Coila Lake scoured 40 baskets of mullet. Mr Waters has also in cold storage 40 prime dressed bullocks belonging to Messrs. M. and C. Keating.
WEDDING AT BATEMAN’S BAY. A very large congregation assembled at the R.C. Church, Bateman’s Bay on Saturday last at 11.30 a.m. to witness the wedding of Miss Mary Barclay, youngest daughter of Mr. James Barclay, and Mr. Fred Sellick. Both bride and bridegroom are well-known and popular in the district. The bride, is a member of one of our oldest pioneers and the same may be said of the bridegroom. When the war broke out, he joined the A.I.F. and remained at the front till its termination. He gained honours on the field. The bride who was given away by her father, looked charming and was attended by the following bridesmaids, viz., Misses F. Barclay, Dorrie Ryan, Annie Thomsen, Olga Thomsen, Thelma Thomsen. Mr Arch Barclay attended as best man. The Parish Priest, Father O’Sullivan officiated. The wedding march was played by Miss Keating (organ) and Miss Hilda Higgins (violin). After the ceremony, the party motored to “Blandford House” where a reception was held….
We were not able to obtain a list of the presents, but we are told it was a good one.
MINES.-In connection with the reports from the South Coast of supposed floating mines off the Coast, the opinion is that they were not mines, but floating drums sighted by passing shipping. A resident of Narooma, on the South Coast stated that during recent operations for locating the sunken danger struck by the seamer Anghinish, off Montague Island, several drums, with lines attached, were used for draging purposes, and they having drifted off the Coast, have been mistaken for floating mines.