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100 Years Ago - January 29, 1921

Writer's picture: The BeagleThe Beagle

HOMESTEAD FARM.—On or after 14th prox. there will be available for application 265¼ acres in one block, Parish of Broulee, suitable for a homestead farm.

A DERELICT.– Whilst a few anglers were on Congo beach last Sunday an old boat was discovered in the wash. She was about 20 feet long, with six feet beam, and had two planks stove in.

GOOD HAUL.– At the mouth of the Moruya River on Wednesday night W. Brierly and others netted over 100 baskets of salmon in one haul.

Appearing in “Robbery Under Arms,” the bushranging picture to be screened at the Star Theatre next Tuesday, Feb. 1st, are many people well-known to the Moruya public.

FACTORY PAY.– According to the balance-sheet to 31st ult., just issued from this office, the amount paid by Moruya Co-operative Cheese Co. to suppliers on 235,565 standard gallons of milk was £7,749 15s 1d, as against £8,502 0s 5d on 210,107 gallons for the previous half year.

C.E. PICNIC.– Members of the C.E. Church held their annual picnic on Wednesday, the rendezvous being the South Head. Although the weather was not conducive to much surfing, an enjoyable time was spent in games, feasting, etc., by those in attendance.

EUROBODALLA SOCIAL.– A social in aid of at the Catholic Church funds was held in the Eurobodalla School of Arts on Friday night, 21st inst. It was in every way a very great success, and the fair secretary and promoter, Miss Mary Connolly, of Redbank, must be very gratified with the results of her efforts. The floor was in good dancing order, and excellent music was supplied by Mr. D’Esclen (piano) and Mr. Atkinson (violin), extras being played by Mrs. J. T. Byrne, Mrs. A. Connolly, Miss Byrne and Mr. H. Turner. Mr. J. Stormon acted as M.C. in his usual genial manner. Refreshments were served at 12.30 and at 3 o’clock everyone dispersed, feeling highly pleased with the evening’s enjoyment. The takings amounted to over £10.

WEDDING.– The marriage of Miss Bertha Emily, youngest daughter of Mr. and Mrs Charles Brook, of Buckenboura, to Joseph Corrigan, of Buckenboura, and son of the late John Corrigan, of Bateman’s Bay, took place at the residence of the bride’s parents on the 18th inst. The Rev. Father Bossence officiated. The bride, who was given away by her father, wore a dainty gown of soft white satin, veiled in silk net, panelled with loops of satin ribbon; the train of silk net was mounted on pink georgette, and a tulle veil was held in place by a bandeau of green leaves, with a spray of orange blossom across the back of the hair.

Rise in Price of Bread. We, the undersigned beg to announce, that on and after TUESDAY, 1st February, 1921, the price of Bread will be 7d per 2lb loaf. A. LYNCH, Moruya. P.J.MYLOTT, Moruya. F. LADMORE, B. Bay. H. D’ESCLEN, Bodalla

NOTE: Comments were TRIALED - in the end it failed as humans will be humans and it turned into a pile of merde; only contributed to by just a handful who did little to add to the conversation of the issue at hand. Anyone who would like to contribute an opinion are encouraged to send in a Letter to the Editor where it might be considered for publication

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