OPEN COLUMN. It must be distinctly understood that we are not responsible for the opinions expressed by our Correspondents.
To the Editor, “Moruya Examiner.”
Sir. – I notice, from your report of the proceedings of the first meeting of the newly formed Football Club at Moruya, that the membership fee to the club was fixed at one pound. I assume that this fee high as I otherwise would consider it to be, is asked for primarily to purchase jerseys in which players representing the club in matches to be played. To one who had played fairly big football in Sydney, may I make a suggestion to the club. It is this:- That instead of the club purchasing jerseys for the club it should purchase them for each individual member of the club who, of course, should pay for them, and whose absolute property they should become. I should then reduce the membership fee, to say, five shillings. Personally I should not like to wear a jersey that everybody else had worn because of health reasons. Should any person, whom my letter may concern, wish to learn who I am, you are at liberty to inform him. But as I am not a prospective player I shall refrain from subscribing my name here. – Yours, etc. Enthusiast.
CHOICE NEW BLOOD.- Mr. A. F, Emmott and Messrs. J.R. Milne and T. Heffernan attended the Oakdale Milking Shorthorn dispersal sale held at Kangaroo Valley on Wednesday and Thursday last. Mr. Emmott secured three cows and 11 heifers, Mr. Milne two bulls and one cow, all being pedigree Shorthorn stock. The sale attracted buyers from South Africa, South Australia and Queensland who bought a big proportion of the stock. No less than 142 car loads of people were present.
FARWELL AFTERNOON TEA.- The ladies of the Methodist Church Aid Society entertained Mrs. Crayton Burns and family at a farewell afternoon tea on Wednesday last. In the interval between the vocal items a presentation of an electroplated butter dish was made to Mrs Burns by Rev. E. W. Hyde on behalf of the society and the church. Mrs. Burns, who is shortly leaving Moruya will reside at Mangrove, near Gosford, where her two sons are at present settled.
COILA. – On Friday afternoon last a presentation was made to Mr. and Mrs. U. Collett by the Church of England congregation, prior to their leaving for Pennant Hills. A short service, conducted by the Rev. G. A. Sanders, was held in the church, after which afternoon tea was served in a large bush house erected and adorned by Mrs. Bown and her workers. The function was presided over by the Rector, who spoke in eulogistic terms of Mr. and Mrs Collett. He referred to the fifty years in which Mr. Collett had lived in the old home at Bergalia, and to 23 years of faithful service as Clergyman’s Warden of St. Peter’s Church. On behalf of the congregation he asked their acceptance of a suitably inscribed Bible, with which went the hearty good wishes of all present. Mr. Collett responded in well chosen words, and the happy function closed with the National Anthem.
CURRAWAN CREEK. Various rumours are current as to the erection of a large plant at Currawan Creek for treating burrawangs. Non one seems to know very much about the matter, and later developments will be awaited with interest.
A BENEFIT BALL was held on Friday, 30th April, in aid of our local poet Mr. A. M. Campbell, who as already reported, has undergone a serious operation in Prince Alfred Hospital. As Mr. Campbell is widely known and has many friends in the district, the Committee of Management anticipate a bumper house to help our good old townsman, who in the past has been one of the best to help others in need. His is a sad case of destitution, but I am sure his friends will see him through his illness and will not see him in want.