TURLINJAH Q.C. – Mr M. Walsh the popular teacher at Turlinjah Public School, has kindly handed us the names of his pupils who were successful in passing the Q.C. Examinations, vis., Phillip J. Cantlay, Hedley E. Earls, Edwin C. Earls, John Russell, Isabel Greif, Elsie E. Walsh.
POLITICAL.- Resident electors who desire the smashing up of machine politics, which has cursed our lovely country, should make an effort to attend the Mechanic’ Hall this (Saturday) night and hear what Mr. W. Tomkins, the Australian Country Party’s representative is going to do about it.
TILBA SHOW.- We have received a complimentary ticket from the secretary, Mr. Hapgood, for a show to be held at Tilba shortly, but as the “Examiner” – which has boomed the Society in the past – has been entirely ignored in a business point of view this year, we cannot, according to the Country Press Association’s rules, give the Tilba Society any further cheap notice.
BATEMAN’S BAY. (From our Correspondent)
On Anniversary Day a Sunday School picnic organised by Mr. A. Annetts was the only sport. There was a very large gathering – merriment and satisfaction were prominent. Mr Annetts and Miss Milton superintend the Sunday School at the Methodist Church – and whilst most of us are indulging on the Sabbath morning they are sacrificing their leisure for the sake of the little ones. Such self denial needs no comment. During the afternoon a fine cruet was presented to Miss Edith Milton who is to be married on Tuesday next to Mr. Neil Christensen. Mr Annetts feelingly referred to the work done by Miss Milton and the loss both to the Methodist and Presbyterian Church where she acted as organist.
The formation of a Mechanics’ Institute is being keenly discussed. Mr. Hugh Wright is agitating wisely and well in this matter. Meetings have been held and at present things are in abeyance awaiting data from the Minister of Education.
Some time ago a letter re the advantages of a Race Club to the town appeared in your valuable little paper. We fully expected a response setting forth the disadvantages. But as none appeared it is assumed that the carping critics of this new venture have none to offer when challenged.
A launch trip up the Clyde river and thence along Buckenbowra creek opened the eyes of at least one to two as to the very fine belt of good land lying as virgin on the banks.
The Anglican Church has now been lined and sealed. The work was done by Mr. C. Bessey and has given entire satisfaction.
SCHOLASTIC HONORS.- We are pleased to notice that Master A. E. Fraser, of Cobargo, erstwhile of Nerrigundah, has just obtained remarkably distinguished honors, having gained 5A’s, 3 Honours, and 2 Passes at the Leaving Certificate Examinations. This clever lad has been a pupil at Fort Street Boys’ High School for the past 4 years, having gained a bursary tenable at that school under the tuition of Mrs Johnson, Eurobodalla Public School.
PAPER SHORTAGE:- The shortage of newsprint has become more acute than at any stage of the war. Likewise prices are considerably higher. In May 1919, the cost of newspaper landed in Sydney was £26 per ton against £11 before the war. It has risen month by month since, until today it stands at £82 per ton, plus 10 per cent. duty and landing charges. Even at this price it is almost impossible to obtain supplies. The Canadian mills have oversold their supplies. The scramble for what little is left has therefore been something of a panic, and agent after agent in Australia has been forced to inform prospective clients that he cannot quote at any price for any quantity for delivery at any time. What is going to happen to the small newspaper in the near future it is impossible to say. That many will have to suspend publication is practically certain. Also the position is such as to compel an increase in the price of newspapers. And even then the size of our large papers will have to be decreased.