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  • Writer's pictureThe Beagle

100 Years Ago - 2nd December 1922

AUCTIONEERS’ district licenses for Police District of Moruya have been authorized to issue for 1923 to R. H. Harvison, H. J. Thomson, G. J. Gordon, R. B. Heffernan, H. McIntosh, M. E. Ryan.

THE Intermediate Certificate examination commenced at the local school on last Monday. Jim Collett of the Dwyer’s Creek public school is the only candidate from the Moruya district.

MR. J. E. Sampey, manager of Wallaga Lake Aborigines Station, has purchased a Ford car through the agent, Mr. H. J. Bate.

WE regret to report the serious illness of Mr. John Smith, of Gundary. Those of his family, who can possibly get there, have been called to his bedside.

THE sympathy of the whole district goes out to Mr. and Mrs. J. Corrigan, in the death of their elder son Victor, which sad event took place at his parents’ residence, Gundary, on Thursday. His demise followed the result of an accident a few years ago, when he was thrown from his horse, sustaining severe injuries. The unfortunate young fellow, who was a native of the district and but 19 years of age, was of a quiet disposition, being a great comfort and help to his parents. His continued illness, which neither the skill of Doctors Quilter and Cutler, nor medical attention in a Sydney hospital could combat, at length compelled him to take to his bed, and for the past two months he was tenderly and devotedly nursed by his sister Valerie, Mrs. Corrigan (his mother) being also confined to her bed suffering from an affection of the leg. … The funeral took place on Friday.

NERRIGUNDAH. (From our Correspondent). After being held up for a long time the stampers of the local battery were heard bumping again last week, when Messrs. Wilson and Hattely had 5tons 15cwt of stone from their claim at Belimbla crushed. This is the first parcel of stone treated from that locality and the result 21oz 5dwts should give encouragement for more prospecting among the hills about both Little and Big Belimbla Creeks. …

NAROOMA. (From our Correspondent). Mr. H. H. Kelly, Surveyor of the Hydrographic Dept. of Public Works, is here with his staff surveying the bar and the port.

The dredge Antheon, which has been working in this port for some weeks past widening and deepening the inner channels (which had become very narrow and shoaled considerably) has performed good service which is almost completed. So once again the difficulties of navigation inside this port are relieved and, we hope, for some considerable time to come.

Above: cargo vessel crossing the bar at Narooma

Extracted from the Moruya Examiner by the Moruya and District Historical Society Inc.

NOTE: Comments were TRIALED - in the end it failed as humans will be humans and it turned into a pile of merde; only contributed to by just a handful who did little to add to the conversation of the issue at hand. Anyone who would like to contribute an opinion are encouraged to send in a Letter to the Editor where it might be considered for publication

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