THE following pupils from the Dwyer’s Creek Public School passed the Qualifying Certificate Examination: - Mary Foreman, Walter Summers and Pearl Henry.
OWING to the outbreak of pleuro in the district, the Tilba A., P. & H. Society has decided to eliminate all cattle sections from their exhibition on the 14th and 15th Feb.
FARMERS and settlers declare that the present method of destroying rabbits with poison are doing more harm than good. The poison carts which go out to spread the poison for the destruction of the rabbits leave in their train a collection of dead jackasses, goannas, and other birds, which aid the farmer in his fight with Nature’s pests. Goannas in particular, says one farmer, are farmers’ friend in the war against the rabbit. They descend a rabbit burrow and eat as many as a litter of 19 young rabbits at one meal.
MRS. S. Louttit, whose capability with the sewing needle is so well known, with her sister, Miss Lily Keyte, notify that they will open a dressmaking establishment at Gundary on 1st Feb.
ALL the Public Schools in this district resumed work on Monday. No change in the personnel was made at these institutions, but at the Convent School, which re-opens Monday next, almost a complete change in the management and teaching was effected. Sister M. Basil, sister of the late Mr. R. N. Carden, has been appointed Mother Superior.
ON Thursday night, Mr. John Smith, a well-known and much respected resident of Moruya, passed to his reward at the age of 78 years. Born in Tipperary, Ireland, he came to this country in 1866. He resided in this district for 48 years and was always found to be of an upright and charitable disposition, being loved and admired by all classes of the community. … A widow, six sons, William (Moruya), John (Woy Woy), Daniel (Sydney), Bernard (Shellharbor), Darcy (Sydney), Clement (Newcastle) and four daughters Miss Mary (Moruya), Mrs. Hughes (Rozelle), Mrs. Ashton (Dundas) and Mrs. Freeman (Sydney) are left to mourn the loss of a devoted husband and father.
MORUYA COTTAGE HOSPITAL - …Matron reported patients in the hospital Nov. 30th 4, admitted since last report 9, total treated 13, discharged recovered since last report 7, remaining in hospital December 31st 6.
House Committee – Reported at time of visit everything in satisfactory order. More wood was required to be cut up into lengths and split up. Door of morgue requires re-fitting. The new bath is now being fitted in and the floor covered with lead. More assistance is required at the hospital to cope with the work. It was decided to write to the Immigration Bureau asking if they could supply a suitable woman to help.
Extracted from the Moruya Examiner by the Moruya and District Historical Society Inc.