MASTER Jack Stubbs, of the Silver Mine, has taken Master Phil Crapp’s position as local telegraph messenger.
MRS. Gus. Cole died at the residence of her daughter, Mrs. Thos. Templeman, Narooma, on 6th inst., aged 62. Deceased was born in Nerrigundah, and was a sister of Mrs. Wm. Motbey, senr., and of the late Mr. Walter Wright, of Nerrigundah. Her second son, Alf, was killed in France during the war. She leaves a sorrowing husband and family of four sons and three daughters, the latter being Mrs. Delamare (Nethercote), Mrs. Pike (Nerrigundah), and Mrs. T. Templeman (Narooma). …
GRAND HOSPITAL BALL: - The much talked of Plain and Fancy Dress Ball in aid of our Hospital which took place in the Amusu Theatre on Tuesday evening was a huge success. There was a particularly large attendance of dancers, while the gallery was filled with interested spectators. …
The color-scheme of the decorations was carried out in red and white. From a central circle of floating streamers a canopy of the same were carried to all parts of the spacious hall, under which groups of imitation swallows, cockatoos, and doves were poised mid-air. The birds were designed by our local artist, Mr. Frank Toose, who, with Mrs. A. H. Preddey, was responsible for the life-like coloring of same.
Miss Kurz (piano) and Mr. J. Buckley (clarinet) provided their customary harmonious music. Misses Mira Bull, R. Luck, and M. Heffernan graciously supplying the extras.
Master Keith de Saxe officiated as page, and Mr. C. de Saxe in his courteous and efficient manner filled the onerous role of M.C.
The waltzing competition resulted in Mr. J. Buckley and Miss H. Higgins, and Mr. A. Barclay and Miss A. Staunton dividing the prize. Dr. and Mrs. Cutler were awarded the palm for jazz waltzers. Mrs. J. Heffernan and Mr. F. Flanagan officiated as judges of the waltzing competition and Mrs. W. A. Simpson and Mr. A. T. Brown of the jazz waltz.
Another item greatly appreciated by the patrons were the iced cordials dispersed by Mesdames Mitchell and de Saxe, Mr. Siddall, of the Freezing Works, generously supplying the ice.
ADVERT. – Midwifery. NURSE D MILLIKIN wishes to notify the Public that she has been successful in her training, and is a Certificated Nurse. She will be nursing in conjunction with her mother.
ADVERT. – MR. HOCK NUI, CHINESE HERBALIST, Bateman’s Bay. Late of Hong Kong and Sydney.
ADVERT. – LOST. Between Bergalia and Tuross Gate, a Pulley Block. Five Shillings reward on delivery to MRS. AHOY, c/- Mr. Stockmann, Tuross.
Extracted from the Moruya Examiner by the Moruya and District Historical Society Inc.