Just before going to Press, the news reached us of the death of Mr. Samuel Kimpton, of Deua River, at the age of 88 years. His demise took place at the residence of his daughter, Mrs. S. Harkus, of Nelligen. The funeral will take place tomorrow (Sunday) afternoon when the remains will be interred in the C.E. portion of the Moruya cemetery.
Stock Inspector H. L. Mater courteously phoned us on Thursday with the information that, through the request of a number of landowners, he has arranged with the Government to issue a proclamation to open the season for wallabies and kangaroos for one month only in the Broulee district. The proclamation was gazetted yesterday (Friday) at 12 noon.
The question of depasturing milking cows on the streets has been under discussion at the Shire Council meetings here for some time. … It is proposed to issue identification discs for cattle that are registered to graze on the streets. The discs will fulfil a dual purpose – preventing an owner grazing more head than he registers, and to prevent confusion when unregistered cattle come to be impounded.
Eurobodalla Shire: The Council has decided to purchase a Champion steel reversible road roller for £100. The cost of the same roller a few months ago was £250; The Clerk was instructed to issue summons against all those who have not paid their rates.
Bateman’s Bay: During the week end were visited with the cyclone in common with the rest of the South Coast. Interest centred in the departure of the “Bermagui” on Sunday, and with the swell prevailing at the time, onlookers were treated to a fine bit of seamanship on the part of the captain of the boat.
On Tuesday last, Mr. C. Fletcher had a narrow escape from serious injury. He was on the roof of the new shed being erected for the Illawarra Steamship Company, fastening down the sheets of iron, when he lost his balance and fell to the ground. His fall was broken by a picket fence, and apart from a severe shaking and some bruises, he escaped injury.
Above: the Illawarra S.C.S.N company shed at Moruya
Found in this week's 100 years Ago on the MDHS blog a mention of the Illawarra & South Coast Steam & Navigation Co shed in Moruya. Here is a photo of the shed from the MDHS collection down by the river in Ford Street in the 1920s
For Private Sale: Five-roomed Cottage, furnished, and 4 acres of land known as Mcleans, Newstead, Moruya Heads; also the Old Racecourse Paddock, containing 99 acres, and Pedro Paddock, containing 34 acres. H. J. THOMSON, Auctioneer, Moruya.
For Sale: Horse, seven years, broken to single and double harness, good saddle, also sulky and harness. Apply – METHODIST PARSONAGE.
Public Notice: H. Malone wishes to notify the public that he is still running a Motor Service from Braidwood to Moruya three times a week, on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays.
FARES – Moruya to Araluen 10/-; Araluen to Braidwood 7/6; Braidwood to Tarago 10/-. ‘Phone 14 Moruya.
Extracted from the Moruya Examiner by the Moruya and District Historical Society Inc.