ILLNESS.- Mrs A. Sebbens, post-mistress of Mogo has been seriously ill and confined to her bed for the past fortnight.
The Progressive Candidate, LIEUT.-COL. RUTLEDGE is making a most vigorous campaign in the electorate. Everywhere he does he is well received, and is making a good impression. His strong advocacy of unlocking the land and making it available to the people on easy terms, thus laying the foundation of increased production, while giving employment, together with his scheme of decentralisation by opening up ports in the South, is bringing him strong support.
PROHIBITION.- Those who are square minded and have read the numerous contributions in the columns of the “Examiner” of the opponents of prohibition will hear the facts in its favor stated by Mr. W. B. D. Creagh, Police Court Missioner of NSW Alliance and one time champion light weight boxer of the British Army. Mr. Creagh will speak in the street to-night (Saturday) and at the Mechanics’ Hall at 3p.m. on Sunday afternoon.
ONE BIG AGRICULTURAL UNION.- At the South Coast Agricultural Societies’ Union meeting at Kiama last week the matter of sending delegates to a conference in Sydney during Show week to consider the advisability of forming an association with the Royal as its head in the same way as the A.J.C. in the racing world, was discussed. It was decided allow Wollongong, Kiama and Shoalhaven, as the three leading societies on the coast, to each nominate a delegate to represent the Union.
The World’s Cream Separator. The ”ALFA-LAVAL”
The “Alfa-Laval” Cream Separator is a most welcome, also a most desirable guest in every dairy. Increased returns from the dairy follow regularly in the footsteps of this famous cream separator. For efficiency, simplicity, durability and appearance no other cream separator comes within coo-ee of the “Alfa-Laval,” which is decidedly in a class by itself.
The “Alfa-Laval” is also far and away the cheapest machine in the end. It is not the price which in the first instance is paid for the separator which required to be considered, but the price paid, and the cost of upkeep extending over a period of say five years which requires most careful consideration; it will then be conclusively proved that the “Alfa-Laval” is not only the most efficient, but also the most economical and profitable separator on the world’s markets.
The “Alfa-Laval” separator is built for service, and many of these machines have been performing strenuous and faithful service for periods extending over twenty years or more.