Washing, Ironing and Cleaning: The undersigned is open for engagement for the above work by the day. A. Barling Campbell Street next door to Post Office.
ROBB ESTATE. – The attention of persons on the look-out for a valuable little property is drawn to the sale of 414 acres in the estate of the late John Robb, which is situated alongside the far-famed Buckenbowra Estate and partly surrounded by the never failing freshwater Buckenbowra creek. It was on this property that the late Mr. Robb reared and educated a large family of respectable sons and daughters, and acquired a competence sufficient to keep himself and wife in ease and comfort during their declining days. Sale at Bateman’s Bay on the 28th February next.
TORRENTIAL RAINS. – On last Saturday afternoon, following distant rumbling thunder in the west, Moruya district was visited by torrential rains the heaviest every experienced by the oldest resident. In the short space of an hour no less than 638½ points fell at Yarragee. In Moruya proper the fall was considerably less, but nevertheless, quite sufficient to overflow the gutters and flood the streets and roads. The water was sufficiently high on the road from Campbell Street round the Park to the Bodalla turn-off on the Heads road to put out of action Balmain’s service car
R.C. BAZAAR. – The management was unable to open the R.C. Bazaar on Saturday night owing to the copious fall of rain during the afternoon and evening. We understand that the function will be opened on some future date for the sale of the remainder of articles and completion of the raffles. The voting for the Queen Competition closed at 8p.m. on Friday night and when the numbers went up the count gave the following figures:- Miss Winnie Johnson 3240, Miss Irene Behringer 3093. A protest was entered on the grounds that certain monies should not have been included. Father McCormack reserved his decision until Tuesday night, and the result shown in the following letter:- “The Presbytery, Sir, - Kindly publish the following result in connection with Queen Competition held in conjunction with Catholic Church Bazaar: Miss Behringer 3093, Miss Johnson 2909, thus Miss Behringer wins by 184 votes. James McCormack, Moruya.”
RETURN THANKS: As the Queen Competition has been decided in my favour, I wish to thank all my friends and supporters for the honor they have conferred upon me by electing me Queen. IRENE BEHRINGER Yarragee.
NERRIGUNDAH. (From our Correspondent)
The Concert and Ball held in the local School of Arts on the 29th Dec. in aid of the Catholic Church was well patronised. The joint secretaries, Mrs Mair and Miss Connolly, worked hard to ensure a financial success. Unfortunately heavy rain began to fall early in the day and continued throughout the night, having the effect of preventing a large number from the surrounding districts being present. The hall was tastefully decorated with flags and lace curtains, the Roll of Honor at the back of the stage being neatly draped with the Union Jack, and the Australian Ensign showed out to advantage.
(After the concert) a very enjoyable dance followed, and excellent refreshments.
MORUYA ANNUAL RACES. – Horse owners should bear in mind that Nominations for the two principal races, Cup and Plate close with the Secretary, Mr. Frank Flanagan, on Tuesday next, the 13th inst.
GOLDEN WEDDING. – On Saturday last 3rd inst., the Golden Wedding of Mr. and Mrs. J. Coppin Senr. was celebrated at their residence, Gundary. All their children and grandchildren except one daughter, Mrs D. Davis, who lives in Brisbane, were present. The Rev. Sanders, on behalf of their many friends presented the happy couple with a purse containing a substantial sum.
STATISTICS. – We are indebted to Mr. P. H. Mills, C.P.S., for the following information:- For the quarter ending 31st December, 1919, in this district there were 19 births, 10 deaths and 4 marriages.
HANDSOME XMAS BOX.- On behalf of the Moruya Pony Club, Mr. J. Hansen presented Miss C. Kurz, the Champion South Coast Musician, with a handsome Christmas present in the form of a cheque for £28, the profits of the Race Meeting. Messrs. Bastian and Bessey on behalf of the “Merrymakers” also gave her a cheque for £15, the result of their efforts at the recent concert.
Twenty one 100 years ago booklets containing articles for the years 1899 to 1919 are available ($6 to $8ea) from the Museum. Back copies of local newspapers can be viewed on microfilm at the Society’s Family History Research Library (Ph 4474 3224) situated at the rear of the Museum in Campbell St. Moruya.
If you would like to read the oldest surviving issue of the Moruya Examiner then you will find it at https:www.mdhs.org.au/References/ MoruyaExaminer_2_March_1866.pdf