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  • Writer's pictureThe Beagle

100 Years Ago 08-09-1923

Householders should begin now to make an onslaught on flies both large and small, as it is feared we shall have a plague of these germ carriers, during the Summer months, on account of the large number of carcasses (the breeding grounds of the housewife’s worst pest) lying about the out-bush paddocks.

Since our last issue, splendid soaking rains have fallen in this district, thus making a welcome break in the weather. The rain is the best for 13 months and should make our farmers’ hearts rejoice. The local official registration at the Shire Offices for Tuesday was 172 points, Wednesday 182, Thursday 53, Friday 9, making a total of 416 points. The gauge at Mr. R. L. Dawson’s residence at Gundary, near the range of hills and a mile from the Shire Office, registered 454 points in three days.

Mrs. W. R. Smith, aged 84 years, late of Little Oaky, Araluen, passed away at her residence, Gundary, yesterday (Friday) morning. … She was a native of Cambridgeshire, England, and had resided in this State for 67 years. She was married in Sydney 65 years ago. Deceased leaves a widow and family, three sons, George, Claude and Alfred, five daughters, Mrs. Clissold (Sydney), Mrs. Ebzery, (Cobargo), Mrs. J. Coppin (Gundary), and Miss Bertha and Eva Smith. The funeral will leave her late residence, Gundary, at 2 p.m. to-day, for the Methodist portion of the Moruya cemetery.

Batemans Bay. (From our Correspondent) The business of the port has been brisk of late and no less than four ships cleared last week and two this week. All had full cargoes of timber; The net profit from the hospital ball held here in aid of the Moruya Hospital amounted to £25 6s; A challenge has been issued to one of our young oarsmen in the person of Clarrie Innes, but being a bit on the light side it is possible that a match may be arranged with his father, Charles Innes, in his stead. I have not heard if Clarrie is going to accept the challenge.

Eurobodalla Shire Monthly Meeting. The tender of Mr. W. Jermyn for Shire Hall paddock for three years at £2 12s per annum, was accepted. …

Correspondence Dealt With: From W. McIntosh, applying to enclose part of road from Gundary to Summer Hill. Resolved that the Council has no objection to the enclosure; From Govt. Savings Bank, Moruya, asking that Eight Hour Day, 1st Oct., be proclaimed a Public Holiday throughout the Shire. Request granted; From W. Hoyer, Central Tilba, re erection of rabbit-proof gates. The Clerk was instructed to inform Mr. Hoyer that the fee is 20s per gate per annum.

Extracted from the Moruya Examiner by the Moruya and District Historical Society Inc.


NOTE: Comments were TRIALED - in the end it failed as humans will be humans and it turned into a pile of merde; only contributed to by just a handful who did little to add to the conversation of the issue at hand. Anyone who would like to contribute an opinion are encouraged to send in a Letter to the Editor where it might be considered for publication

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