Under the guidance of Mr. C. Carter, Miss Dulcie Louttit has passed successfully her examination for entrance to Hereford House Teachers’ College.
Mitchell Brothers have just installed a fine machine at their Narooma Sawmill. It is a contrivance for emptying the sawdust trucks. This enterprising firm intends putting a tractor on the road shortly for log hauling.
an image of the Mitchell sawmill employees
On Tuesday last the Federal Minister for Works (Mr. Stewart) pulled the lever that worked the steam shovel that turned the sod that marked another era in Canberra’s history. It was 12th March, 1913 (10 years ago) that lady Denman named the Federal city “Canberra,” Lord Denman, Mr. Andrew Fisher, then Prime Minister, and Mr. King O’Malley being present on that occasion.
A Correspondent writes that the Mosquito Bay district [now Malua Bay] is suffering severely from the result of drought during last summer and autumn. Being hilly country, it was then too dry and hard to plough to grow winter feed, and farmers are now buying on the Sydney market in an effort to save at least some of their milking cows. As heavy frosts are unknown, such fodders as sorghum, saccaline, etc., can be cut quite green right through the winter months. Some dairymen have had the misfortune to lose at least 50 per cent of their herds, which does not help to brighten their prospects for the coming spring. However, in spite of adverse conditions, we hear that an effort is to be made to re-open the co-operative cheese factory, which owing to the scarcity of milk, was only manufacturing for about four months, after being opened in December of last year. …
Influenza is the uninvited guest of nearly every household in the district and our doctors are having a strenuous time.
Mr. Albert Veitch of Nelligen, met with a severe and painful accident through an ironbark block of wood flying off the saw bench and striking him. The force of the blow fractured his jaw-bone. The victim, who was attended by Dr. Cutler, is progressing favorably.
Mogo. (From our Correspondent) It is some time since such an institution as a Progress Association existed at Mogo. Mr. H. Molloy is President, Mr. S. Veitch Secretary, Mr. A. J. Annetts Treasurer, with powers to assist the Secretary where required, Messrs. G. Veitch, Senr., and T. Hawke, Senr., Vice-Presidents. … Many local requirements are receiving attention.
Bodalla. (From our Correspondent) Mrs. John Connolly, Senr., who has been ailing for several months, passed peacefully away on Sunday morning in the presence of all the members of her family. … She came from England in the early days with the Mort family and lived with them for some years. She leaves a widow and grown up family to mourn the loss of a loving wife and mother.
Extracted from the Moruya Examiner by the Moruya and District Historical Society Inc.