The Beagle

Feb 8, 2018

Have your say about the 50m pool in BBay Feb 12th - public engagement kiosk at Village Centre 12pm

The Fight for Batemans Bay’s 50m Pool team will be holding an ‘engagement’ kiosk at the Village Centre on Monday 12th February 2018 from 12.00 pm.

Spokesperson Coral Anderson says, ‘Rather than informing the public, we are hosting a pop up session to ‘engage’ with the community on this issue.

"We believe that for the mayor to talk about ‘future’ expansions is short sighted. A 50m pool in the current plan is doable, affordable and justified.

The community is urged to come and take a look at our own concept plan together with costings and compare it with what council has come up with.


Our plan and costings has not cost the community one cent. Council’s very unpopular plan has cost the community in excess of $155,000.’

Coral Anderson, Peter Coggan, Maureen Searson


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