The Beagle Editor, I am horrified with what has happened at Mossy Point with the clearing there. There is evidence in the photos below that there has been no sediment control. Trees have come down and there are still eighteen more blocks to clear that will all need an asset protection zone, clearances from trees potentially falling on houses and of course one or two trees accidentally removed to enhance views. The Mossy Point development below is right next to the river and by evidence Council have shown no capacity in ensuring compliance in what looks like legalised carnage.
Above: If the Development Application is the process to ensure compliance, how is it there is clearing up to the water ways, especially after the community and councillors have heard all the concerns of the oysters growers.
The rest of the development at Mossy Point will, if the first lot clearing above is an example, also be "endorsed" carnage. Now Minister of Lands, why not look at the Long Beach subdivision and you will see the very same happening there.
Above: photos showing clearing and inadequate erosion control at Long Beach SEPP 14 wetland. NOVEMBER 2018
Above: photos showing clearing and inadequate erosion control at Long Beach SEPP 14 wetland. JANUARY 2019 There is currently a subdivision on the books on the Kings Highway just west of the Bay that will also have mass clearing. Add to this the mass clearings already happening at Sunshine Bay with evidence of failure by Council to oversee compliance and what you have is a council that is saying it can oversee and ensure full compliance with the RLS but failing to deliver. This is the same council that promises there will be no sediment to worry about in our catchments. Now we hear that Anthony Roberts, the NSW Minister for Planning is rushing to sign off on the Eurobodalla RLS before the government goes into caretaker mode. If that is the case then he had better have a good look at what he is signing off on. While on paper and by assurances given by Council that they have it all under control what he can see here is evidence of a council that appears, by example, to have no ability to oversee compliance of DA conditions in regards to sediment control. No wonder the community and six State Government agencies have no trust in their word.
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