The Kyla Park boat storage shed has been completed at long last for use by the BBSC (3 bays) with the Tuross Community Gardens having the end bay for storage.
John Tilbrook, Vice President of the Tuross Head Progress Association offered "Well done to the Council staff that orchestrated the work undertaken by contractors. "This will be a welcome addition to the Council owned recreational use infrastructure.
"Given that $69,000 was earmarked for this shed, which included the NSW Government grant of $40,000 we we now await with interest to learn from Council the amount of unexpended funds that remain. Council advised the THPA and Tuross Community Garden group that any change left over from the $69,000 was to be quarantined for expenditure on the design and installation of rain water tanks and reticulation of harvested rainwater to service the Kyla Hall toilets, with surplus rainwater being made available for horticultural irrigation of crops at the Tuross Community Garden.

Above: Completed 4 bay secure storage shed for use by the Batemans Bay Sailing Club and the Tuross Head Community Garden group at Kyla Park. Photo John Tilbrook
The Tuross Community Garden group take delivery of their keys tomorrow. They are delighted with the additional storage space and pleased that it comes rent free. Initially Council were insistent that the new shed be built in the far corner of Kyla Park on land that has been classified as having cultural significance. The community, on hearing of Council's intent to locate the shed there and its intent to reclassify the land so that the shed could be placed there caused a flare up in relations between the Tuross Head community and Council. The community loudly protested that the process that Council was adopting was sorely lacking. In the end Council acquiesced to build the new shed on the location of the old one. Sadly their unyeilding attitude and insistence that the shed was to be built on cultural significant land cost the project two years in time and resulted in Council loosing a lot of respect from the Tuross Head community. This distrust even resulted in phone calls to the Geographical names board to establish exactly what Council were wanting to call Kyla Park - ensuring that it DID NOT include Lot 77, the cultural significant land that includes the Tuross Head Community gardens. It has been established that only the land shown in the diagram and NOT Lot 77 are to be named Kyla Park (below).