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  • Writer's pictureThe Beagle

Safety for motorists improved on Princes Highway at Dalmeny

Minister for Roads, Maritime and Freight Melinda Pavey and Member for Bega Andrew Constance have announced safety for motorists travelling on the Princes Highway north of Narooma has been improved with a major upgrade now complete.

Member for Bega Andrew Constance said the NSW Government allocated $3.2 million to widen the road and install a wire rope safety barrier to reduce the risk of head on crashes.

“Safety improvements on this stretch of the Princes Highway were identified after three fatal crashes in the five years to June 2014,” Mr Constance said.

“The scope of work included widening the road shoulders for around one kilometre and installing a wire rope safety barrier to prevent head on crashes.

“Work started in April 2016 and included the installation of 1750 metres of wire rope safety barrier and 700 metres of concrete drainage kerb.

“More than 1500 square metres of new road was also built to widen the highway.”

Minister Pavey said the Princes Highway is the lifeblood of this community, so this safety upgrade was a high priority for the NSW Government.

“Any death or serious injury on our roads is one too many.

“The NSW Government is committed to tackling the road toll and is actively doing what it can to improve our road network.

“It’s great to be here today as the new Roads Minister to see the upgrade now complete,” Minister Pavey said.

“Four roadside memorials were also relocated as part of the work on the highway.

“Roads and Maritime contacted each of the families and arrangements were made for the memorials to be relocated during work with each to be reinstated now work is complete,” Mr Constance said.

“I’m delighted this work is now complete before the upcoming Easter holidays and I would like to thank the community for its patience while work was carried out.”

Minister Pavey added that the next major works scheduled in the region is the realignment of the Princes Highway at Dignams Creek, Andrew has advocated for years for these works to be undertaken for his community and I’m pleased that the project is ready to commence. Media Release

Above: Roads Minister Melinda Pavey visited the South East today to see the completed $3.2 million widening work on the Princess Highway at Dalmeny. Andrew Constance noted that it was "good to have this work done and dusted before families hit the road for Easter holiday adventures."

NOTE: Comments were TRIALED - in the end it failed as humans will be humans and it turned into a pile of merde; only contributed to by just a handful who did little to add to the conversation of the issue at hand. Anyone who would like to contribute an opinion are encouraged to send in a Letter to the Editor where it might be considered for publication

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