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  • Writer's pictureThe Beagle


February marks the launch of the Local Land Services’ 2017 Feral Fighters program. The program strategically targets foxes, rabbits and wild dogs through coordinated baiting and control activities.

“The Feral Fighters program was set up to encourage local communities to get together and tackle the problem of feral species. We have found that group control gets the best results, which provides the best community and regional benefits. So the more people we can engage and train, the larger the area we can cover, leaving fewer gaps in the landscape for feral species to inhabit” said Ben Serafin, Local Land Services Biosecurity Officer.

The success of the program hinges on the involvement and commitment of the community, so we are putting the call out to landholders, local networks and communities to join the program and make a difference.

As a Feral Fighter you will:

  • Receive free vertebrate pesticide training

  • Be helping to protect valuable livestock

  • Be making a valuable contribution to your local community

  • Be aiding our conservation efforts

To find out more about more about the program and how you can become a Feral Fighter contact your nearest Local Land Services office. Media Release

NOTE: Comments were TRIALED - in the end it failed as humans will be humans and it turned into a pile of merde; only contributed to by just a handful who did little to add to the conversation of the issue at hand. Anyone who would like to contribute an opinion are encouraged to send in a Letter to the Editor where it might be considered for publication

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