Accidental counsellor workshop Volunteers regularly find themselves in the role of an 'accidental' counsellor. This free workshop by Centre for Community Welfare Training will provide you with practical advice on how to respond and help your clients in these situations
When: Wednesday 23 November 2016, 9:30am - 4:30pm
Where: Moruya Golf Club, Evans Street, Moruya
Cost: Free!
When you work as a volunteer, there can be times when the people you work with are emotionally distressed, need some extra help or raise unexpected issues, and you find yourself accidentally in a counselling role.
At this workshop, you will get practical advice about how to respond and help your clients in these situations. You will learn strategies to help you achieve a sense of structure and confidence when you are put in an accidental counsellor role.
The Centre for Community Welfare Training is presenting the workshop, which is funded by Council's Community Development and Recreation services.
Bookings essential
For more information or to book please contact our Coordinator, Community Development and Youth Zoe Morgan:
T: 02 4474 7470