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Like The Beagle? You can make a donation via our bank account details or via the Paypal Donate button below

BSB 112-879
Acc 477 303 771

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We depend on local advertising revenue and community donation to support our journalism. If you are able, please advertise or donate. If you are already a support, thank you. It is very much appreciated.


Donations help to cover our costs and to deliver FREE independent, community focused news to Eurobodalla.

The Beagle costs around $7000 per year to run with all its insurances, company fees, website hosting, telecommunications, media imposts, mailout fees and sundry. 

All donations go directly to meet those overheads to ensure The Beagle remains afloat and is able to offer free on-line, 24/7, community focused news to the Eurobodalla. 

Though The Beagle runs on a shoestring budget it is able to continue because of our wonderful advertisers and supporters. 

Any amount you can afford will be much appreciated and directed to providing FREE, inclusive and representative news to our community.

And if it is all too hard you can always BUY US A COFFEE

The Beagle remains a free on-line service offering news and events within the Eurobodalla shire area.

 The Beagle Weekly is owned by SOUTH COAST BEAGLE PTY. LTD.
ACN 616 613 337 ABN 57 616 613 337
PO Box 3029 Tuross Head, NSW 2537

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