The Beagle Editor,
I worked for 3 sessions at the pre-polling venue at Batemans Bay. Also on voting day at the former community centre in Batemans Bay. I could find no-one who claimed responsibility for the appalling selection of Mackay Park as appropriate for assisting residents to cast their vote.
First, cross the the highway, try lo locate one A4 sign amongst construction signage, travel through two construction sites, arrive at the very furthest end of the large sports park. Steep metal steps, taped off when it started to rain as 'dangerous'. Leaving a very long disability path which left elderly and others, breathless to reach the top storey.
As for voting at the community centre - NO ACCESS TO THE PUBIC TOILETS WITHIN THE BUILDING. Really???
An A4 notice advising people to go to the Visitor Information Centre (closed) or the foreshore. Who are these decision makers and how do they get away with it?
Jennifer Thompson

Above: is this what we have come to expect of this Council? Who decided on this venue for pre-poll?